dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2012

The UK, the British Isles and Great Britain

The land area is of 244,100 square Kilometers. From north to south it is about 1,000 kilometers long.

The capital city is London.

River Severn
River Thames
Rivers: The UK rivers are not very long. The Severn is the longest river. Beginning in Wales and entering the Atlantic Ocean near Bristol in England.
Other major rivers include the Thames, Trent and Mersey rivers.

National day: In he UK there isn't a national day.  But the people celebrate the birthday of the queen of England on 21 of April.

Population: It was is 62,476,000 millions in 2011.

The major cities: Manchester, London, Liverpool, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Bristol, Birmingham
Capital city of UK

The UK busiest airport is London Heathow Airport

The national flower of England is the Rose.
The national flower of Scotland is the Thistle.
The national flower of Wales is the Daffodil.
The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock

a. What is the difference between UK, England, Great Britain (GB) and British Isles?
The UK is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Wales, Scotland and England, together form Great Britain. Therefore Great Britain and Northern Ireland form UK. England is a country in the UK. The British Isles are occupied by two nations: United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

b. Countries within a country.
In the UK there are four countries: Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

c. History of the making of the U.K.
The history about how the UK was formed can be seen through the making of the Union flag (the union of three kingdoms: England, Scotland and Ireland (now only Northern Ireland).

d. Where is the UK? Map
UK in Europe

e. What is the official name of the UK?
The official name of the UK is: “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

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